Hire Chef Sophia “SJ” Thomas!

One of the things kids love to do when they get together is play in the kitchen, as long as the parents are willing to tolerate a little bit of mess! Therefore, it’s no surprise that a cooking-themed birthday party is going to be a lot of fun for your child and his or her fellow chefs-in-training.

Sophia “Sj” Thomas, the Teen Chef, will bring the fun to your kids party with some of her favorite recipes.

Note: Prices are for Cobb County only. A travel fee of $50 is added to each order. Prices will vary for other counties.


Smoothies - $300 (up to 4 people)

  • 1.0 Hours of food prep and making of 3 smoothies!

  • Chef SJ will take a photo with each “chief in training"!

Lunch Item – $600 (up to 8 people)

  • Up to 2.0 hours of food prep and making of 1 main dish!

  • Chef SJ will take a photo with each “chef in training"!

  • Personalized autograph card for each “chef in training”!

Food Item – $850 (up to 10 people)

  • Up to 2.5 Hours of food prep and making of 2 item dish!

  • Chef SJ will take a photo with each “chef in training"!

  • Each “chef in training” will receive a complimentary 4-piece Designer chef cookwear set designed by Chef SJ!


  • Yes. After, the deposit is paid, we will send you a list of items needed for the service as well as utensils.

  • Yes. At least 1-2 adults must be present during the demonstration. It is important to Chef SJ that all kids are safe!

  • Photos and video are encouraged!

  • Yes. please visit the product page.

Step 1: Reservations

Please read the Terms and Conditions prior to reserving services of Chef SJ. Thank you.